Links, 2.21.11

The Archaeologist has been attempting a number of winter sports this weekend. Links were scheduled before she left, in case her typing abilities were compromised during these adventures.

RootsTech Reverberations: No denying the sense of excited discovery that continues to bubble up about an event for which the operative term appears to be “rock concert”. I’m sure there will be many more references to RootsTech in our futures, but here are some recaps:

Kerry Scott of Clue Wagon found her tribe (of collegial feeling) there.

Marian at Roots and Rambles states succinctly What Genealogists Want! — Conference Organizers Take Note.

Conference blogger Joan Miller puts up an interview with Genealogy Gems podcaster Lisa Louise Cooke.

RootsTech inspired Taneya Koonce  to create an iPhone App.

More wrap-up action from Amy Coffin, Dick Eastman, Illya at Genealogy Today and DearMyrtle (also Myrt’s further ideas on RootsTech’s message to NGS and FGS).

And while we’re talking tech: OK, so I managed to miss Randy Seaver’s initial post about genealogy’s three (or more) worlds, which kills me, because I love meta-think. And his observations of the traditional, transitional and technical genealogy populations so perfectly capture today’s overlapping colonies of genealogy enthusiasts. Not surprisingly, this sparked some lively responses and observations, so do not miss the follow-up post. A genealogy society considering how to extend its reach should find much food for thought here.

Myths and realities: Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates gave a speech in Evanston, Ill.,  recently, listing and debunking three myths of African American genealogy. The Daily Northwestern has the details.

Bad Change! Bad! After all the cutting-edge excitement out of RootsTech, it was an odd change of pace to read James Tanner’s acerbic post Family Search hits a goldmine of luddite comments. A useful reminder that, however exciting it is to many of us, innovation and tension often go hand in hand.

May your week be full of spring thaws and major discoveries.

3 Comments on “Links, 2.21.11”

  1. Kerry Scott says:

    Thank you for the mention…great roundup!

  2. Thanks for the mention. It is greatly appreciated.

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